D. Supplements of Animal and Marine Origin

Supply different amino acids

1. Tankage - by-product of meat processing industry (50 - 60% CP). Processed under presure

2. Meat Scrap - more acceptable than tankage (45-55% CP) does not contain gut, tendons, or connective tissue

3. Blood Meal -Very high in CP with high escape value (ruminants) Low palitability

4. Fish Meal- over 90% in the U.S. is Menhaden (fat fish from Atlantic=>used for oil)

- excellent quality, Ca, P, B vitamins - escape value!!

5. Feather Meal

- high escape value for ruminants

- Low in HIS, LYS, MET, TRP

6. Milk Products - Very expensive

- dairy calves

- starter diets (swine)

E. Miscellaneous Protein Sources

1. Animal Wastes

Broiler Litter (will discuss later!!)




I. General

A. Seeded Pastures - receive >20 inches of rainfall/year or are irrigated. Eastern half of the U.S. & coast of Washington, Oregon and Northern California. 7 major species:

1) bahiagrass 3) orchardgrass 5) ryegrass 7) tall fescue

2) bermudagrass 4) reed canarygrass 6) smooth bromegrass

B. Native Pastures

receive <20 in. of rainfall annually, developed by natural selection, have exsisted for many years

II. Grasses

A. Warm-Season

1. bahiagrass - VERY aggressive, tolerent of low fertility, close grazing is desirable.

2. bermudagrass - common or hybrids; hay harvested at 4-6 wk intervals, close grazing

3. crabgrass - weed, annual, high quality, very responsive to N

4. dallisgrass - clay & loam soils, better quality than bermuda, avoid seed head production (fungus)

5. johnsongrass - weed, excellent hay, drought tolerent, continuous grazing???

6. pearl millet - annual, pasture or silage, large stem, short season, very productive

7. switchgrass - ?? -not as good as most, graze close

- energy - (alternative energy source - alcohol = fuel)

B. Cool-Season

1. tall fescue - very good quality (possibly best) - very tolerent to drought, overgrazing, etc., BUT fungal toxin. Endophyte free VS. Endophyte??

2. orchardgrass - requires higher fertility than fescue, not tolerent to overgrazing

3. ryegrass & small grains

- very suitable in southest

- not recommended when feeding high grain diet

III. Legumes

Advantages: fix N; palatable; high in CP and Ca

Disadvantages: bloat; stand loss; costly

A. Alfalfa

- grown extensively in the west and midwest

- very high quality

- not tolerent to continuous grazing

B. Clovers

- red (pinkish to violet heads) = short lived ~2 years

- white = cool season, with fescue not bermuda or bahia

- ladino = primarily grazing, not good hay

- crimson = annual, grazing (long, red head)

- sweet = grows almost anywhere, contains coumarin (anti vit. K)

C. Bird’s-Foot Trefoil - non-bloating, short lived

- will not compete with bermuda & bahia

D. Lespedeza - developed for the south (heat tolerent)

Annual - quality forage in late summer

Perennial - Sericea - tannin problem