3. Fats & Oils

- 2.25 X as much energy as carbohydrates

- most vegetable oils are used for human consumption ($ for livestock)

- reasons for using fats:

(a) increase caloric density

(b) control dust

(c) decrease wear & tear on equipment

(d) increase pelleting ease

(e) increase palatability

(f) uniform mix (decrease settling out)

(g) increase digestibility

4. Molasses - most from sugar cane industry (also beet, citrus, & wood)

- very palatable

- decrease dustiness

- binder for pelleting

- good carrier (urea)

- current research

5. Roots & Tubers (roots = carrots & beets; tubers = penuts & potatoes)

- mostly by-products

- used in limited amounts because of high-moisture

II. Proteinaceous Concentrates

A. General

1. Protein quality is important (amount & ratio of amino acids)

2. When feeding high grain ratios to swine or poultry - 4 specific amino acids are of primary concern

- Lysine

- Tryptophan

- Threonine

- Methionine

B. Non-Protein Nitrogen for Ruminants

1. Urea - used by rumen microbes to synthesize protein

a. general rules (palatability & ammonia toxicity)

- Not over 1/3 of total N in ration

- Not over 1% of diet or 3% of concentrate mix should be urea

- Not over 10 to 15% of the typical protein supplement

2. Biuret - join 2 molecules of urea by heating (same precautions)

C. Supplements of Plant Origin

-oil-meals- processing (heat or crush) improves palatability, color, and increases availiability of some amino acids (over-cooking can destroy amino acids)

1. Soybean Meal (SBM)

a. Most widely used in the U.S.

- solvent extracted = 44-50% CP - standardized with hulls

- mechanically extracted - 41-44% CP

b. Must be heated for maximum feeding effectiveness (destroy anti-trypsin factor)

c. SBM has become the universal yardstick

2. Cottonseed Meal (CSM)

a. Southern U.S.

b. 36-41% CP, quality is lower

c. Contains gossypol which limits use for swine & poultry (cardiac disorder, yolk)

d. Satisfactory for ruminants

3. Linseed Meal (LSM) Fiber used to weave linen cloth

a. flaxseed is processed for linseed oil - meal is by-product

b. limiting in both LYS & TRP; OK for ruminants

c. Contains conditioning factor (mucin) ==> glossy hair coat, laxative effect

4. Sunflower Meal

a. Wide range in CP and Fiber content

5. Safflower Meal Requires less water - oil is used

a. less palatable

6. Rapeseed Meal

a. contains erucic acid (heart lessions) & myrosinase enzyme (goiter) Heat process

b. Canola (hybrid) contains less

c. palatability is the big problem

7. Peanut Meal

a. Must be aware of aflatoxins