General: Carbon containing compounds that also contain H & O in the same ratio as water (H2O) CH2O, C6H12O6

Major energy source of the body CHO > fat > protein

Monomer: basic building block. For CHO = monosaccharides; (protein = a.a.)

Glucose- major energy source for most cells. No free glucose is ingested. Enzymes must degrade CHO's to single glucose (mono) units.

I. Monosaccharides: single unit

A. Hexoses: 6 carbon

a. Glucose

b. Fructose

c. Galactose -not free in nature = usually linked to something else

d. Mannose

B. Pentoses

a. Arabinose

b. Xylose

c. Ribose (found in DNA & RNA)

II. Disaccharides

A. Sucrose (glucose + fructose)

B. Lactose (galactose + glucose)

C. Maltose (glucose + glucose; a 1,4)

D. Cellobiose (glucose + glucose; b 1,4)

III. Polysaccharides

A. Amylose

B. Amylopectin (a 1,4 links with a 1,6 branches)

C. Glycogen (same as amylopectin, but much more branching - 2-3 X)

D. Cellulose




Source of CHO: plant starch & animal glycogen

Breaks down to glucose



Digestion & Absorption? Small Intestine

Glucose goes to the liver via hepatic portal vein

In the liver ® glycogen synthsis, energy utilization, main blood supply to go to tissues