
 Nutrition = the series of chemical, biochemical, & physiological processes which transform food elements into body tissues and activities

Nutrient = any chemical substance that can be used and is necessary for the maintenance, production and health of animals

Digestion = the combination of mechanical, chemical and enzymatic processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract (GI) that prepares ingested material for absorption by reducing particle size and increasing solubility

Absorption = the passage or movement of the end products of digestion (nutrients) through the wall of the GI tract to the general circulation (blood)

Distribution = movement of nutrients from the absorptive sites to the various cells in the body via blood stream

Metabolism = sum of all physical and chemical processes by which living, organized substance is produced and maintained

Anabolism = any constructive process by which simple substances are converted by living cells to more complex compounds

Catabolism = any destructive process by which complex substances are converted by living cells to more simple compounds

Excretion = the removal from the body of unusable materials and waste products of metabolism


Feedstuff = any material of natural or synthetic origin, fed to animals for the purpose of sustaining them (may or may not contain all the nutrients required by the animal)

Natural = corn, wheat, barley, oats

Natural processed = SBM, Alfalfa meal, wheat bran, corn gluten feed

Synthetic = crystalline amino acids (methionine, lysine HCl), vitamins (Vit. B12, thiamine HCl)

Diet = a combination of feedstuffs used to supply nourishment to the animal

Ration = the amount of a diet consumed by an animal in a 24-hr. period


Example: Mix a ton of feed



92.2% (Energy)



7% (Protein)


Vitamin Premix



Mineral Premix





The steer is given 5 kg/day of the diet Þ This is the steers ration, or daily allowance


Supplement = feed or feed mixture used with another feed or feed mixture to improve the nutritive balance of a diet and the performance of an animal (protein, vitamin, mineral)

Concentrate = feedstuff which supplies nutrients high in energy and contains less than 18% crude fiber (SBM, corn, wheat)

Roughage = a feedstuff containing more than 18% crude fiber (fescue, straw, corn silage, bermudagrass hay)